My search was for a wedding anniversary present for my Wife and wanted something different. I was shown the art of outdoor websites by my daughter and found the Dragon. I made contact with Sam for more information, which was provided very quickly. I ordered the Dragon, Sam kept us updated through the whole process. The Dragon was delivered to us without issue. Just fantastic service
Perry |4/12/2023 4:51 PM
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My amazing dragon arrived 2 days before christmas. He stands proudly with his fiery red eyes shining in the sunlight and his metal bolts and amazing tail a true talking point. He is a photogenic piece added to my large garden. I absolutely love him. Thank you Sam at Art of Outdoors.
Dale |12/31/2021 10:15 AM
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Steampunk dragon
This has only been in my garden for a few days and is already a smash hit with kids and adults. He is awesome. Certainly a visually arresting piece. He has already been named Smaug (too many Hobbit fans in my family) and has a commanding presence. Given his weight, he is unlikely to be removed by thieves without a lot of trouble. .